Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy
EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma.
When person has a traumatic experience, it may sometimes overwhelm usual ways of coping and the memory of the event is dysfunctionally stored in an isolated memory network. This leaves a person with a memory that is “frozen in time” with the original picture, sounds, thoughts, feelings and body sensations in tact and all-too accessible.
This reliving of a memory can have a lasting negative effect on a person
The right-to-left eye movements or tones of EMDR are similar to what occurs naturally during REM sleep and has been shown to help the brain with processing of information.
After EMDR treatment, a client will still remember the incident, but they will see the memory in a new and less distressing way.
What is the difference between Hypnotherapy & EMDR?
During hypnotherapy the therapist induces a hypnotic trance and helps the client to gain certain insights whereas in EMDR the client goes into a trance spontaneously and gains the insight himself.
The eye movements have a desensitising effect which can bring quick and lasting relief from various symptoms resulting from trauma.
EMDR is an effective and rapid method for healing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) e.g. after a rape, a hi-jack, an armed robbery, etc.
How does EMDR Work?
When a traumatic experience occurs it may overwhelm usual ways of coping and the memory of the event is dysfunctionally stored in an isolated memory network.
When this memory network is activated, the individual may re-experience aspects of the original event, often resulting in inappropriate overreactions. This is why people who have been raped, hi-jacked or been in an armed robbery, have recurring flashbacks, thoughts or dreams.
If you are struggling to move on after an armed robbery or physical assault, EMDR is an effective therapy to help you process the trauma & move past it.